WP6 Tools Table: Difference between revisions

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| Papyrus for Robotics
| Papyrus for Robotics
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Revision as of 10:23, 10 March 2023

Tool Name ID Partner User Requirements Acceptance Testing Data Analytics Mission Planning System Requirements Design Implementation Integration Testing (Verification) Validation IPR Initial TRL Expected TRL Other
System Modelling and Code Generation Tools
Modelling & Simulation Tool WP6-06 BUT X Open-Source BSD-3
Mission design and optimization WP6-07 BUT X CL 2 4
OODK WP6-13 UNIMORE X X Open-Source (BSD-Like) 4 6
MDC WP6-15 UNISS X X X Open-Source BSD-3 3 4
HEPSYCODE WP6-17 UNIVAQ X X X Academic Licensing 2 4
ESDE WP6-20 ACORDE X X X X X Proprietary 1-3 5
Papyrus for Robotics [WP6-24[WP6-P4R]] CEA X X X X X X Eclipse (EPL v2.0) 3-4 5-6

Academic Licensing for research End User Licensing for commercial use

5 6
DronePort design tool WP6-27 SM X X X Open source 1 5
System Validation and Verification Tools
Workflow WP6-01 AIT X X X X X X X X X X Proprietary 2 4
MoMuT Protocol Testing WP6-03 AIT X Proprietary; Academic 2 4
Testing Tool Set WP6-04 BUT X Open-Source (BSD-Like) 3 5
DronePort Simulation Extensions for Gazebo WP6-09 UWB X X X X X X Open Source 2 5
Paparazzi UAV WP6-10 ENAC X X X X GPLv2 LGPLv2 6 6
AirMPL WP6-14 UNISANNIO X X Open source
SAGE WP6-16 UNISS X X LGPL v.3 2/3 4
SelfTestTool WP6-22 IKERLAN X X Proprietary 2 5
AsyncCommsTool WP6-23 IKERLAN X X X X Proprietary 4 5
Sherpa drone simulator WP6-28 SHERPA X X X X X Open source (Academic) 3 3
Framework and toolkit for validation of robustness of path management for multi-path communication system WP6-18 ANYWI X X Proprietary 3 5
Framework and toolkit for validation of APIs for collection of connection metadata of multi-path communication system WP6-19 ANIWY X X Proprietary 3 5
System Analysis and Optimization Tools
ThreatGet – Post- / Precondition WP6-02 AIT X X X Proprietary 2 4
Safety Analysis Tool WP6-08 BUT X Academic Licensing 4 4
Big Data analytics tool WP6-05 BUT X Academic Licensing 1 4
Simcenter Amesim WP6-11 Siemens X X X X X X Proprietary 8 9
IPS-MAF WP6-21 ACORDE X X Proprietary 1 4
SoSIM WP6-26 UNICAN X X Academic Licensing for research

End User Licensing for commercial use

5 6
ROS1 & ROS2 infrastructure/dev-ops WP6-32 ALM X X BSD 5 6
Cloud-based simulation environment WP6-33 ALM X X X X X X X X X T.B.D. Mainly Open-Source (Apache 2.0) 4 5
SATB WP6-29 ALTRAN X X X . 0 4
e-Handbook WP6-30 ALTRAN X X X . 0 4
HEPSIM2 WP6-34 UNIVAQ X X Academic Licensing 2 4